How it works for Tutors / Teachers

Making ease for Teachers & Tutors

We made it in easy way

Create your profile as a tutor on Seekooh, add your relevant details and even get reviews from students you tutored. You can also upload videos and images in the gallery to give demos to students

Get Registration

Get registration as Tutor/Teacher. Be a part of Pakistan's largest educators network. Enjoy the convenience of reaching out to potential students & institutes.

Benefits of Verification

Being a verified Tutor on Seekooh, you can get Flexible schedule, ability to work from home, increased exposure to potential clients, opportunity to earn additional income, improved teaching skills.

Connect and Thrive:

Once matched, connect with students or educational institutions and start making a positive impact through your teaching.

Why our working is so unique

See how our working process easily adapt your need

Why hire people when you can simply integrate our talented developers.

User friendly platform

Our user-friendly platform provides convenience, flexibility, increase productivity, professional development, apply unlimited tuitions and teaching jobs.

Secure, affordable Payment

We have reliable, affordable, and secure multiple payments integration. On account of payment.

Create Courses

You can create unlimited courses for group studies. Students will join your courses. It will increase tutors' income stream.

Free Teachers' Training & Promotion

Get free professional teachers' training and promotion. It will Improve teaching skills, increase exposure, the potential for increased income, increase job satisfaction, and networking opportunities.

We guarantee quality education

Be a part of Pakistan's largest network of educators. We have highly qualified, professional and trained tutors from all boards and prominent institutes. Apply for unlimited Tuition and Teaching Jobs